DHR* L'acte d'investir presque banalisé au Rwanda

Dimanche 25 juillet 2010 15h23
L'acte d'investir presque banalisé au Rwanda
Un rapport de la Banque mondiale, « Investir à travers les frontières 2010 », a classé le Rwanda parmi les pays où la législation est la moins restrictive à l'investissement étranger direct (IED).

Ainsi, le Rwanda figure parmi les rares pays au monde, aux côtés du Canada et de la Géorgie, où il prend moins d'une semaine pour établir une filiale d'une société étrangère.

Il s'agit du premier rapport du groupe de la Banque mondiale pour offrir des données objectives sur les lois et les règlements touchant l'investissement étranger direct, qui peuvent être comparées dans 87 pays.

Le rapport indique que des lois claires et efficaces et la réglementation sont essentielles pour garantir de meilleurs résultats pour les pays d'accueil, leurs citoyens et les investisseurs.

Réaction honnête

*DHR* L'acte d'investir presque banalisé au Rwanda

Dimanche 25 juillet 2010 16h05
"Lumumba Héritier" <issicongo@yahoo.fr>

Le gouvernement mondial

Au pouvoir déclinant des gouvernements des états-nations s'est substitué un nouveau pouvoir, planétaire, global, et échappant au contrôle de la démocratie.
Les citoyens continuent d'élire (au Rwanda les citoyens n'ont pas un mot à dire sur le choix de "leur" "président" d'ailleurs)  des institutions nationales alors que le pouvoir réel a été déplacé vers de nouveaux centres.
La planète est aujourd'hui dirigée par une constellation d'organisations au rôle exécutif ou politique.

Les organisations exécutives se répartissent en 3 sphères de pouvoir:
- la sphère du pouvoir économique et financier
- la sphère du pouvoir militaire et policier
- la sphère du pouvoir scientifique

Le pouvoir politique du système est exercé par une quatrième catégorie d'organisations: les "clubs de réflexion", réseaux d'influence, ou réunions de "global leaders" comme le Groupe de Bilderberg ou le World Economic Forum de Davos.
Toutes ces organisations ne sont pas concurrentes mais étroitement liées et complémentaires. Elles forment un ensemble dont la cohésion est assurée par l'appartenance simultanée de certaines personnalités à plusieurs organisations
Ces personnes-clé peuvent être considérées comme les Maitres du Monde. Quelques uns sont des leaders politiques de premier plan, comme George Bush (le père) ou Henry Kissinger. Mais la plupart d'entre eux sont inconnus du grand public.

En observant le diagramme de ces organisations, ceux qui connaissent la cybernétique verront à quel point ce système a été ingénieusement conçu. Structurées en réseau, plusieurs organisations se partagent la même fonction, et les centres ainsi
que les "circuits de commande" ont été doublés ou triplés, afin d'assurer plus de sécurité et de stabilité à l'ensemble.

Ainsi, au cas où une organisation ou un lien devient inopérant, le contrôle global n'est pas menacé. Exactement comme Internet: un système sans centre unique, dont les flux d'information peuvent "contourner" un centre local hors service.

Parlant de la sphère économique et financière:
 Le Fond Monétaire International (FMI) et la Banque Mondiale dessinent l'économie et l'environnement de la planète par le biais des prêts accordés aux états du Tiers-Monde à condition qu'ils appliquent une politique économique d'inspiration
ultra-libérale, au mépris des réalités humaines et écologiques.
Quelqu'un se rappelle que le Rwanda ( avec ses leaders actuels toujours cons et sans intelligence à long terme) s'adonnait tête baissée à la culture de céréale pour le... bio-carburant?
Selon la Banque Mondiale, pour faire le plein d’un 4×4 en biocarburant, il faut autant de céréales que pour nourrir un homme durant un an.

Même si les biocarburants ne sont pas la seule cause de la famine qui a sévi dans le tiers monde en 2008, on a toutes les raisons de penser que le développement de ce type d’énergie aura pour effet d’affamer une partie de la population mondiale à long terme.
Plusieurs pays, dot la Chine veulent même interdire la production du bio-carburant  pour cette raison.

Malheur à celui qui dit que le bien est mal et que le mal est bien.
Le succès du Rwanda ne survivra pas à Kagamé.

C'est si évident ( observez qui l'entoure et quels sont les objectifs de ces gens là). Aidez les Rwandais?

Kagame  Advisory Council 

On Wednesday 26 Sep
Kagame  Advisory Council 
On Wednesday 26 September 2007, President Paul Kagame officially launched the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC) – a special team of Rwandans and friends of Rwanda whose mission is to advise the President on Rwanda’s strategic development choices and initiatives, using their considerable combined and wide-ranging knowledge, experience and contacts, in a concerted effort to contribute to the country’s socio-economic development.


The inaugural PAC meeting took place in New York, where President Kagame took part in the annual United Nations General Assembly and the Clinton Global Initiative. Attending this first discussion were PAC members:
  1. Scott Ford – president and CEO of Alltel
  2. Sir Tom Hunter – Scottish entrepreneur, philanthropist, co-founder Clinton-Hunter Development Initiative
  3. Dr. Donald Kaberuka – President of the African Development Bank Group, former Minister of Finance, Rwanda
  4. Dr. Clet Niyikiza – GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Vice President of Worldwide Research & Development
  5. Kaia Miller - founder of Aslan Global, Inc.
  6. Joe Ritchie - Rwanda’s Honorary Consul in Chicago, founder Fox River Financial Resources, Inc.
  7. Micheal Roux - Rwanda’s Honorary Consul General in Australia, Chairman, Asian Markets, KPMG; Roux International Pty Ltd; RI Group;
  8. Bishop John Rucyahana – Bishop of Shyira Diocese of Rwanda
  9. Tribert Rujugiro – Rwandan Entrepreneur, Board President of Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency
  10. Dr. Eliane Ubalijoro – Assistant Professor at McGill University, Canada
  11. Pastor Rick Warren - Religious leader, founder Saddleback Church, and PEACE Plan
    Liste à actualiser avec Tony Blair et cie
(Prof. Michael Porter is also a member of PAC but was unable to attend)
Also at the PAC meeting were high-ranking Rwandan government officials including James Musoni, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning; Stanislas Kamanzi, Minister of Infrastructure; Rosemary Museminari, Minister of State for Cooperation; and Francis Gatare, Director General of Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency.
Participants at the meeting co-chaired by President Kagame and Joe Ritchie discussed from their unique perspectives, various ides to boost key areas of Rwanda’s economy based on the country’s national development policy Vision 2020. At the conclusion of the vibrant dialogue that lasted several hours, PAC members formed focal groups that will delve deeper into innovative strategies for targeted sectors and work with the relevant Rwandan institutions on proposed solutions, supported by RIEPA, which was identified as a coordinating agency for PAC activities
The next PAC meeting will be held in April 2008.

“A Thousand Hills: Rwanda's Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It”, By: Steve Kinzer

The bestselling author of “All the Shah’s Men” profiles one of the most successful revolutionaries of the modern era, tells the dramatic story of how he seized power in Rwanda, and travels through the Rwandan countryside to witness this shattered country's astonishing recovery.
"A Thousand Hills" tells Kagame's tumultuous life story, including his early fascination with Che Guevara and James Bond, his years as an intelligence agent, his training in Cuba and the United States, the dazzlingly original way he built his secret rebel army, his bloody rebellion, and his outsized ambitions for Rwanda. It is the adventure-filled tale of a visionary who won a war, stopped a genocide, and then set out to turn his country into the star of Africa. President Kagame is obsessed with a single outlandish dream: to make Rwanda the first middle-income country in Africa, and to do it in the space of a single generation.
The book will be published in June by John Wiley & Sons in New York, according to Rick Christian, president of the Colorado Springs-based literary agency Alive Communications, who negotiated the deal.
Stephen Kinzer is an award-winning foreign correspondent who has worked in more than 50 countries on five continents. He has been New York Times bureau chief in Istanbul, Berlin, and Managua, Nicaragua. His other books include the bestsellers "All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror" and "Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq." Click here to view books.

GlaxoSmithKline and Clet Niyikiza

GlaxoSmithKline, under the leadership of Clet Niyikiza, Vice President of Strategic Asset Management and Biomarker Research Program, is in the process of establishing a National Center for Clinical Research (NCCR) based in Rwanda. GSK, the second largest pharmaceutical company in the world, is renowned for its research and development of drugs to combat viruses such as HIV/AIDS and malaria in the developing world. The NCCR in Rwanda will be an internationally acclaimed research center, focusing on the study of diseases prevalent throughout the developing world and at home. With the help of a Presidential Task Force, Clet Niyikiza along with the Minister of Health of Rwanda, are working towards establishing Rwanda as a medical research center of the highest caliber.
As they started looking for places that might be suitable for a research center of this kind, Clet said that Rwanda easily stood out among the rest for its strong governance, the integrity of the medical research field, and the quality of the Rwandan people. With the creation of the NCCR, Rwanda will become the epicenter of clinical and biomedical research in the developing world, as well as significantly expanding the healthcare infrastructure and capacity across the country. The NCCR will also offer strong financial incentives to participating individuals and health centers.

Saddleback Church/PEACE Plan

Over the past three years, Rick Warren and Kay Warren, along with hundreds of members of Saddleback Church, have invested their time in Rwanda with the goals of empowering local church leaders and supporting a variety of development initiatives. The P.E.A.C.E. plan is a coalition of local churches working alongside public and private institutions to address the problems facing Rwanda today. The Western Rwanda HIV/AIDS Healthcare Initiative, a part of P.E.A.C.E., aims to “dramatically increase access to quality healthcare in Western Rwanda…promoting healthier lives, preserving families, protecting children, and building stronger communities.” Based near the town of Kibuye, the western region was chosen because of its high occurrence HIV/AIDS and the lack of healthcare professionals and treatments to effectively combat the epidemic.
This initiative will train churches to be distributors of basic health services, as well as equip fifty churches to act as satellite health centers; the church of Rwanda will be fully empowered to behave as a secondary healthcare provider. Relationships and planning is in place to expand and scale this initiative across the entire country of Rwanda, and eventually into the bordering countries of Congo, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi. This critical grassroots program, along with the ever-increasing amount of positive publicity surrounding Rwanda, promises to bring life-enhancing changes to the people of Rwanda. During the fall of 2007, Rick Warren and team are also implementing the “40 Days of Purpose Nationwide Campaign” throughout Rwanda, using Purpose Driven Life, written in Kinyarwanda.

Jack Hanna


Jack Hanna, a world-renowned wildlife expert and enthusiast, recently participated in a rare gorilla naming ceremony in the Ruhengheri province of Rwanda. With over 15,000 Rwandans in attendance, as well as celebrities like Natalie Portman, John Stanton (President of Animal Planet) and President Paul Kagame, the afternoon ceremony named the newest of the silverback gorilla members and brought worldwide attention to Rwanda. On October 26th at 9:00pm EST, a special, “Saving a Species: Gorillas on the Brink,” aired on Animal Planet showcasing the ceremony and Rwanda’s unique wildlife. Jack Hanna has also spent significant time working with the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project and Partners in Conservation, both of whom work to support and protect the gorilla community in northwest Rwanda. Jack has long been one of Rwanda’s biggest and most popular advocates. Hanna continues to work with Colin Bell to establish one the most prestigious resorts in Africa, located next to the Rwandan National Mountain Gorilla Reserve. Mr. Bell’s new venture will put Rwanda on the map as one of the premier destinations in the world. To learn more about Jack’s time in Rwanda Click here