The strong man of Kigali is in a good position to destroy America. And he
began to intimidate the United States publicly: « The (…), you know the West
(…), Clinton ordered me to kill Habyarimana (…), to invade Congo (…), and now
he wants me to face justice alone (…) « . A senior RPF (Kagame Secret Sevices),
several American politicians find themselves in court on charges of terrorism
if Kagame is stopped: Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Bill Perry, Colin
Powell, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Suzan Rice Brian Atwood, Anthony Lake, John
Shalikashvili, Pierre Richard Prosper, Robert Kruer, Kofi Annan, Roméo
Dallaire, Louise Arbour and much more.
not only refused to intervene, he actively sought that happen
The day Bill Clinton landed on airport Kigali in March 1997 to meet his friend
Paul Kagame, the American people and the rest of the world thought he was there,
for reasons of compassion. Well, that was a mistake! Bill Clinton was very
worried because of the discovery of the secret of the tragedy of Rwanda. That
day, Clinton was able to deliver a speech well calculated, but it betrays the
depths of his heart and failed to mention the genocide in his remarks: « It may
seem strange to you here, especially many of you who have lost family members,
but people like me sitting in offices, day after day, have not been able to
fully appreciate the depth and the speed with which terrorism « unimaginable you
swallowed them. Outside of content of speech, the key here is time: it was in
March 1997! Do you remember what happened a few days before the end of February
1997? Well, the ICTR judge from Australia, Michael Hourigan, in the secret
depths of his special investigations, it was discovered that Kagame and Bill
Clinton who killed Habyarimana’s plane, triggering the Rwanda tragedy. Michael
Hourigan was afraid to publicly highlight the name of Clinton. But today, 16
years later, in a video conference data from its native country, Australia,
Hourigan believes it is time to tell the truth to the world.
So how the truth has been disclosed? It was February 26, 1997. U.S. Embassy in
Kigali, the ICTR investigator Michael Hourigan (Australia) was the famous
« Phone Call from Rwanda » to his boss in The Hague (Holland), the chief
prosecutor of the ICTR Louise Arbour (the Canada) to make him aware of the
highly sensitive information he had discovered .. Immediately, « Kind Lady »
booming, called New York to inform the Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The « Cold
Bath » Kofi Annan knew two years before, in the office of Foreign Minister
Ndagijimana JMV in Kigali, Rwanda, that was Bill Clinton who ordered the
assassination of Habyarimana and hoped that this information n ‘ would never be
revealed. Kofi Annan informed immediately Madeleine Albright, Secretary of
« State Clinton chose Kofi Annan as Secretary General of the UN to replace »
Frenchy « Boutros Ghali. Madeleine Albright landed in the Oval Office in a short
time: » Mr. President Our action against France in the Rwandan tragedy is
ICTR investigators found that we shot down « French. This was the beginning of
the long history of hide and seek: Louise Arbour ordered to dismiss the ICTR
Prosecutor Michael Hourigan and terminate the investigation. Kofi Annan was
instructed to send to Rwanda Michael Hall of the UN Security services to
organize a rapid departure of Michael Hourigan Rwanda. Then Bill Clinton ordered
Madeleine Albright put pressure on the ICTR judges and not to investigate the
incident that triggered the genocide in Rwanda: the shooting down of the plane
of Habyarimana. These orders were preventing adequate to ensure the spirit of
peace in Clinton? The idea of being called one day, one American Terrorist
hurts: « No Witness MUST Survive. » Nobody must know I shot Habyarimana, a
former senior Clinton can recall using today.
Bill Clinton wanted to meet immediately Paul Kagame, his friend in terrorism.
« Yes, Sir, » answered the time Madeleine Albright and Susan Rice, as students
in the classroom. A few days later, Bill Clinton landed at the airport in
Kigali, Rwanda, and after the famous speech, he ordered Paul Kagame to kill
anyone who may know the assassination of Habyarimana, starting with those listed
on the memo Hourigan had given Louise Arbour in The Hague a few days ago: it was
the beginning of the long history of assassinations around the world and around
the clock. It is in this spirit of evil camouflage classified by Bill Clinton
and Seth Sendashonga Théoneste LIZINDE who helped Clinton agents to kill
Habyarimana’s plane were assasssiné in Nairobi, Kenya, a few weeks later. And
recently, Bill Clinton advised Kagame to assassinate Faustin Nyamwasa Rwandan
general in South Africa and the attack failed when Clinton was quick to South
Africa to pressure to hush up the affair.
But how Bill Clinton became involved in terrorist acts behind Kagame? « The day
the wall of the cold war was shot in Berlin in 1989 among the many festivities,
French President François Mitterrand did not know that France would be the next
target of the American Empire. 20 years later from there, the image of the
invisible American war against France is terrible: 12 million people killed in
Francophone Africa and a certified case of genocide in Rwanda. And the victims
are all African Negroes. So, who knew? And when they knew it? Well,
unfortunately, the man who first had the idea on the table infamous Black is our
Hero, General Colin Powell.
Everything begins November 25, 1987, California, in the hills of Santa Ynez,
Santa Barbara ranch, President Reagan. General is happy to tell his boss that
the Cold War ended with the Soviets: « Mr. President, the Kremlin no longer has
the stamina to exercise, the Defence Secretary George Shultz concluded a nuclear
agreement with the Soviets yesterday. » The President, in all the excitement,
asked the General to find a new enemy to fight. And the new enemy is the French
Empire in Africa. Congo’s resources have been identified as essential to seize a
treasure by any means, including genocide. As a new order coming out of
Washington, French president François Mitterrand perceived threat and to
prevent, decided to anticipate changes. He invited all African presidents under
its control to La Baule (France) and imposed a radical change in public
governance (democracy) to correct the so-called « French Errors » in Sarkozy’s
speech to the apology Gisozi Genocide Memorial (Rwanda) in February 2010 to
comply with the will of Mr.Kouchner, the Foreign Minister and his friend Paul
Kagame proclaimed.
But it was too late! Washington was not interested in democracy in Africa,
Washington was more attracted by the immense mineral resources of Congo.
Clinton entered the Oval Office at the right time with the right people. But he
made a big mistake by choosing an uneducated man and soldier baby eg Paul Kagame.
October 1, 1990, as President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda refused to betray
the French, the Pentagon decided to invade Rwanda from Uganda, hiding behind the
rebel RPF. That day, President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda was in Washington
and the U.S. State Department offered him asylum in exchange for giving all
powers to Kagame’s RPF. The President declined the offer and returned to Rwanda.
From October 1990 to January 1993, the Pentagon (Dick Cheney, Colin Powell)
helped Kagame, giving him everything he needed to overthrow the government of
Rwanda. But as France landed troops in Rwanda to push for democracy and
negotiations between the Rwandan government and the RPF, Washington realized
that it is not possible to invade the Congo with a democratic government in
Rwanda: Washington man needs a proxy in Rwanda. It is here that vienti a plan B:
the assassination of Hutu leaders!
In September 1993, Bill Clinton ordered the Pentagon and the CIA to help Kagame
to assassinate the Hutu president of Burundi, Melchior Ndadaye neighboring
Rwanda and ally of France. On 20 October 1993, Kagame with death squads and CIA
agents traveled to Bujumbura: President Ndadaye was murdered, cut with knives,
« Kagame method » to kill his victims. When Kagame returned to Kampala a few
days after his ugly mission in Bujumbura, he was received by Brian Atwood, the
director of USAID, to finalize the plan to assassinate President Juvenal
Habyarimana of Rwanda.
As an informant can confirm today, Kagame hesitated and warned a cataclysm in
Rwanda when President Habyarimana was to be killed as his Burundian counterpart
Ndadaye. But Bill Clinton, through its Ambassador George Moose, Kagame said that
the assassination of Habyarimana was the only way to win the war quickly. The
CIA estimates that 50 thousand people would be killed after the assassination of
Habyarimana, a sacrifice acceptable and a good price for a good cause. The
Pentagon has promised to provide all necessary Kagame, including intelligence
and military assistance.
Kagame accepted the risk and invited LIZINDE and Kanyarengwe two Hutu rebels and
former allies of President Habyarimana, implement a plan of assassination. Alex
Kanyarengwe proposed an attack against the « plane of Habyarimana and Théoneste
LIZINDE indicated the best place to shoot the presidential plane: Masaka Hill,
near the airport Kanombe. In December 1993, Kagame met again Brian Atwood and
Prudence Bushnell U.S. Ambassador George Moose « Tell Clinton that I need money
and » arms, a high ranking official of the RPF in exile remembers today.
Clinton, through Kampala, gave all Kagame’s rebellion: money, men, intelligence
(information) and weapons were supplied by Hercules C130 aircraft. tactics to
kill Habyarimana policies were carried out by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni
at the request of Bill Clinton. Tanzanian President Hassan Mwinyi joined the
plot and President Habyarimana was forced to go to Dar-Es-Salaam on 6 April
1994, for a meeting infamous He never returned home.
So, what happened that day? On 6 April 1994, Bill Clinton ordered the Pentagon
to send 450 U.S. rangers in Burundi to assist CIA in Rwanda to execute the
assassination smoothly. That day, in the morning, Madeleine Albright, Clinton’s
Ambassador to the UN, ordered General Roméo Dallaire (Canada) who was in Rwanda
as commander of the UN forces, facilitate the RPF and the CIA to travel to
Akagera National Park, with UN vehicles to monitor the return of Tanzania
Habyarimana’s plane in the evening, and alert the team to Terrorist Masaka Hill
to prepare for the explosion in flight.
The same day, President Yoweri Museveni has received the order for Clinton to
make sure that the Habyarimana back to Kigali to be done at night. A 20H 01 ‘,
the spies detected the CIAs Habyarimana’s plane above the Akagera National
Park, immediately warned headquarters in Mulindi Kagame and called U.S.
troops already stationed on Bujumbura airport, then the Ambassador of the United
States to Burundi, Robert Kruer, to be ready for a possible catastrophe in
Rwanda. Mulindi, which was based the headquarters of the RPF, Kagame sent a
radio message to the terrorist team already stationed at Masaka Hill to prepare
to descend the aircraft (Black Bag job).
In Washington, Bill Clinton sat in the Oval Office, pending « Good » News. In
Kigali, the Canadian General Romeo Dallaire off all phones and its
disappearance, engaged in secret talks with officials from the CIA. At 8:21
p.m., around Kigali airport, the pilot Habyarimana, a French, radioed the
control tower received permission to land. But during the descent from the
runway, took off two missiles from Masaka Hill to the presidential plane. Nobody
on board survived.
The good news came to the White House in no time and Anthony Lake, Bill Clinton,
National Security Advisor became Oval Office: Mr. Speaker, we have: Congo
will be American. A few minutes later, Robert Flaten, U.S. Ambassador to
Rwanda at the time, was on the phone to confirm the report. It was a joy in the
White House and a sad day to the Champs Elysées. The ultimate objective was to
overthrow the Congo from France and occupy the vast Congolese mineral resources.
Bill Clinton has agreed to support the rebels in return Kagame Kagame and acting
as a proxy for U.S. invade Congo and overthrow the government Frenchy Mobutu. In
March 1997, Clinton landed at Kigali airport and gave the infamous speech. Then,
hiding behind Kagame, he invaded the Congo has killed 8 million people including
Spanish nationals, overthrew France and looted Congo’s resources: hundreds of
millions of dollars ended up in the pocket Clinton and Kagame can afford two
luxury private jets and a huge building in London with Tony Blair as co-holder
of the share.
But in January 2009, when Obama became U.S. President Clinton and Kagame, who
were friends in crime, become enemies to justice. Why? Obama Kagame ordered the
arrest of the Congo General Laurent Nkunda and Kagame reaction plotted to kill
Obama, seeking help from Clinton and Tony Blair to shoot Air Force One, in
exactly the same way he done to eliminate Dr. Alison Des Forges. When the
information became public, probably knew that Obama, Clinton himself had taken
the distance Kagame. At the same time, the ICTR found the perpetrators of the
assassination of Habyarimana, and now the family of the victims are seeking
justice in the courts. The trial in the court of Oklahoma is seeking 350 million
U.S. dollars in compensation for the killing of terrorist Airport Kigali on 6
April 1994, Kagame money can not afford.
But Kagame also killed 8 million, including Spanish nationals in the Congo
during the illegal invasion and illegal occupation of Bill Clinton order. How
much money will be needed to compensate all the victims? Who will pay, Kagame or
Clinton? Spanish judge says Bill Clinton must pay this money. And man Skinney
Kigali understood and is ready to accuse Bill Clinton before the Court if
Hillary Clinton begins to criticize publicly. The strong man of Kigali is in a
good position to destroy America. And he began to intimidate the United States
publicly: « The (…), you know the West (…), Clinton ordered me to kill
Habyarimana (…), to invade Congo (…), and now he wants me to face justice alone
(…) « . A senior RPF (Kagame Secret Sevices), several American politicians find
themselves in court on charges of terrorism if Kagame is stopped: Bill
Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Bill Perry, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, George Bush,
Suzan Rice Brian Atwood, Anthony Lake, John Shalikashvili, Pierre Richard
Prosper, Robert Kruer, Kofi Annan, Roméo Dallaire, Louise Arbour and much more.
So what about Kagame? Is an innocent man? Many lawyers believe that Kagame in
Spain is an innocent man. It is shown that Bill Clinton ordered to kill
Habyarimana and Kagame « s forced to invade the Congo, Kagame can not be
stopped, and all the responsibility falls on Bill Clinton. Accordance with the
law and the theory of Agency , Kagame is an innocent man, as he acted on the
orders of his chief Bill Clinton and Paul Kagame is poised to prove it.
Behind the scenes, the case of « Kagame vs. Clinton » in court is currently
attracting many lawyers around the world. Because it is easy to defend Kagame in
the courtroom, to win the case and millions of dollars in cash from Bill
Clinton. But recently, in Toronto (Canada), Bill Clinton has denied any
involvement in the tragedy of Rwanda. Was it fair? A few weeks ago, I posed this
question to a former counsel to Bill Clinton: How do you react to these Spanish
judges who intend to stop Clinton on charges of terrorism in Rwanda and Congo in
1994 as the « Agency theory »? « Well, you know, theories are nice, but in the
courtroom, they need » evidence.
But the French judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere told me several years ago: there is
enough evidence implicating Clinton in the assassination of Habyarimana. The
australienn lawyer and former ICTR Prosecutor Michael Hourigan confirmed the
report. Former Chief ICTR Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte (Switzerland) confirmed the
involvement of Bill Clinton. Kagame himself understood the danger and it is
likely that he is ready to tell the truth to save his life. And former U.S.
Ambassador to Rwanda Robert Flaten confirmed that U.S. Rangers were stationed on
Bujumbura airport on 6 April 1994, which was sent there, what were they doing in
a francophone country, and why day?
« People
do not know the day Bill Clinton is arrested, but already a Spanish judge is
ready to shock with America. »
Source: Audiencia
Nazionale, Madrid, S